Is your child custody arrangement not working out?

Most parents, whether they reside in Tennessee or elsewhere, want the absolute best for their children. Following divorce or separation from a significant other, child custody issues may arise. If your custody arrangement is not working out the way you had hoped or something happened making adjustments to your arrangement necessary, a family law attorney can help you seek a modification.

There are two ways to go about seeking a child custody modification. First, you and your ex can try to negotiate new terms. You can do this in private, in mediation or with the assistance of legal counsel.

If new terms cannot be reached through the negotiations process, going to court may be necessary. If that is the case, it is okay. You do not have to go before a judge alone. Legal counsel can present your case and help you fight for the custody plan you believe will best serve your children’s needs.

Life is unpredictable. Child custody orders granted during the divorce or separation process may not work long term. If you feel a modification is needed, asking for one is well within your rights. If you would like to learn more about this particular topic and how a family law attorney can assist parents in Tennessee seek adjustments to their custody plans, please take a moment to visit our firm’s website. Achieving a custody modification is not necessarily an easy task, but it may be possible with the right plan and the help on your side.