Category Archives: adoption & termination of parental rights

What are grounds for termination of parental rights in TN?

The Tennessee courts, like most other courts throughout the nation, strive to establish custody arrangements that are in the best interests of the child. In most situations, it is in a child’s best interests to spend equal time with both parents. Unfortunately, however, there are certain situations in which being with a parent is not … Continue reading What are grounds for termination of parental rights in TN?

What are the reasons a parents’ rights could be terminated?

Parenthood is a lifelong responsibility, as you may be aware. However, for some parents in Tennessee and elsewhere, parental responsibility can be taken away by the family court. You may be interested in finding out how the termination of parental rights works. According to FindLaw, a parent whose rights have been terminated loses all legal … Continue reading What are the reasons a parents’ rights could be terminated?

Loss of parental rights tends to be permanent

When a concerned adult in Tennessee considers terminating a parent’s rights, there are a lot of factors that come into play. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, every state has the right to develop their own rules for determining what constitutes an unfit parent and these laws may change over time. Even so, there … Continue reading Loss of parental rights tends to be permanent

How does stepparent adoption work?

In Tennessee and elsewhere, blended families seem to be the new norm. For a number of reasons, it may make sense for stepparents to adopt their stepchildren. In many cases, it really benefits the lives of the affected children. How does stepparent adoption work? Traditional adoption cases can take years to complete. This is not … Continue reading How does stepparent adoption work?